got me thinking....
Enough of my rants, it is well.Lot of funny/scary things happened this semester tho'. At first it was fun,we were enjoying it,until those lectures had a meeting in their dream and decided to spoil our fun by giving us Projects. ugh it was really stressful, and to think the projects were not enough , they held a second meeting and decided they should give us test around the same time.As you are reading one course,you are also reading another.Like seriously!. I even had a test on my birthday and the day after,i just had to #turnup for test,rather than have fun. I remember all the late night walking,i really thank God for his protection.The time gunmen attacked,i was in school at that time,God saved me tho. I also remember one wet night, was going home very late, alone and it was a bushy path, one nice man told me a snake just crossed the path i was heading towards, sn...kini out of fear i started running ,praying i dont fall while running and then the snake comes to say hi to me,or while i'm running the snake should decide to cross again,lol my imaginations didnt help the matter at all, i later stopped when i realized i was being crazy,running alone when nothing is pursing me,the brave me restored my sense and i walked very fast home still scared. It was a scary night for me,i dont like animals :(. Different funny things also happened,but lemme not bore you sha.
Finally, the long semester is over,*yipeee*!!. Quick thought, if this semester was this tough how will others be,as they say the higher you go the tougher... . It is well, His grace is sufficient for us(Amen). Let the holiday beginnnn...#yaaggaaa.Expects more posts soon.